
High Alkaline Foods

Highly alkaline foods are foods with a pH value higher than 7, being considered the pH value of 7 a neutral, and lower than 7 considered acidic food. The distance between two points on the pH scale represents a tenfold difference in the acidity or alkalinity of a substance.

Food’s pH value (pH) affects directly the number of free hydrogen ions present in that food. The higher the pH value the less acidity is present in the food, and consequently, the more alkaline the food is. The hydrogen ions give acid foods their distinctive sour flavor.

High alkaline foods are considered to reduce inflammation.

Foods With the Alkaline pH Value of 10

Raw SpinachRaw BrocolliArtichokes
CarrotsBrussel SproutsRaw Celery
Alfalfa GrassRed CabbagePotato Skins
SeaweedsLemons & LimesAsparagus

Foods With the Alkaline pH Value of 9

Olive OilBorage OilMangoes
Sweet PotatoSweet PotatoRaw Zucchini
Raw EggplantRaw PeasSprouted Grains
BlueberriesAlfalfa SproutsRaw Green Beans
MelonsFigs & DatesGrapes
KiwiMost Lettuce

Foods With the Alkaline pH Value of 8

Apples OrangesGrapefruit
AvocadosPeaches Tomatoes 
SoybeansAlmondsBell Peppers 
RhubarbFresh CornPineapple 
MilletOlivesWild Rice

It is important to point out that most foods get more acidic when cooked.